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Episode Summary

Transcript Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 1-2 NIV Podcast Introduction Hello! and welcome to Season 12, episode 3 of the Lifespring Family Audio Bible. It’s great to have you here today, and I think we have a lot of newbees, judging by what I’ve seen so far. That is so awesome! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll stick around for our entire journey through the Bible.  This is the daily podcast where we will read the entire Bible in a year. If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve tried to read through it before, but for one reason or another, you didn’t complete it. I know that in my case I tried it several times, but never made it until I completed the first year of the Lifespring Family Audio Bible way back in December of 2007. So this is the twelfth season of the show, and do you know what? Every time I read it again, I get something new out of it. My prayer is that you’ll have that experience, too. Today, we are going to read from the book of Job, chapters 1 and 2. I’ll be reading from the NIV, after which I’ll share some comments. Thoughts on Job As is almost always going to happen as we read this year, the chapters will be filled with a tremendous number of points that we could talk about. The format of this show is not to talk about every point that could be made. What I will do is talk about what struck me this time as I read. If there are other things that strike you, and that you would like to comment on, I encourage you to do that, by going to I will share some of your comments on the show. So today, here are my thoughts. The Scene Notice the scene in Heaven. In chapter one, verse six we read, “One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.” This tells us three things: 1) angels exist, 2) they have access to go before the presence of God, and 3) Satan is an angelic being, albeit a fallen one. He came along with a group of angels. So what, you might say. Why is that important? Why bring that up? Here’s why. Some people think of Satan as the opposite of God. Equal to, but opposite of. The dark side of the Force. An opponent of God that just might be able to win in a battle of Good vs Evil.  Nothing could be further from the truth. God In Comparison To Satan Satan is not God’s equal, because Satan is a created being. Satan was created by God as a beautiful and powerful angel, but Satan became jealous of God and wanted to be like God. But he will never be like God, and his power is limited by God.  We saw how God limited Satan’s power in the life of Job. But one of the attributes of God is omnipotence, which means is has all power. There are no limitations at all on what He can do, other than those He puts on Himself. He cannot be unjust, as an example.  So never believe that Satan (which I prefer to call the enemy, instead of dignifying him by calling him by name) is equal to God, or even at all closely matched. God Already Knew Another thought from today’s chapters: God knew what the outcome of this challenge with the enemy would be. He knew that Job would not curse Him. He knew because another of His attributes is omniscience. He has all knowledge.  So what was the point of this exchange with the enemy? Before I answer
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