Dr. Alfonse Javed

Episode Summary

David ministers among Muslim immigrants in a major US city.WHAT YOU'LL LEARN:Being a missionary in your own backyardConnecting with immigrant people groupsCommon barriers in cross-culture contactABOUT THE GUEST: David and his family serve as the Strategy Coordinator and unit on the Global Gates West African Team. Though they have a specific people group focus, the vision is reaching the ends of the Earth through global gateway cities. They have served in the West African community for 10 years globally.SCRIPTURE RELATED TO EPISODE:Acts 17 : 26-27Matthew 28 : 19-20RELATED LINKS:Global GatesTIMESTAMPED SHOWNOTES:01:13 - Family is the first ministry01:31 - Partnership at home03:08 - Being a missionary in your own backyard04:00 - Acts 17 : 26-2704:36 - God moves nations and people groups to us05:09 - The need to connect with these immigrant people groups05:26 - We are supposed to GO05:43 - Matthew 28 : 19-2006:11 - What if I'm not comfortable sharing?06:23 - Model, assist, watch, and leave06:51 - Disciples that make disciples07:05 - Training might be needed before going07:22 - Cultural makeup and demographics of mission field07:46 - Diverse, but mainly West African08:36 - Different groups gravitate to different opportunities09:18 - Cities are fruitful mission fields09:59 - People tend to stay in their own cultural community11:14 - Follow-up opportunities11:30 - 1st conversation: I am a follower of Jesus12:07 - Identifying people groups to serve12:24 - 5000+ people in a community12:55 - Reach out to community leaders13:06 - Ask the leaders what the community needs13:52 - Take care of the physical need to meet the spiritual need14:50 - Often starts as a family unit working with a people group15:07 - Advocating for the people group and asking for help15:31 - Training in simple and reproduceable methods15:50 - Favorite ways to connect with people15:58 - 1. Start conversations on the subway16:18 - Able in pinpoint someone from West Africa 95% of the time16:28 - Greet someone in their language and have a conversation16:46 - Step by step, back and forth - interested in talking about God?16:59 - 2. Networking17:10 - people who are not interesting in talking about God may know people who are17:26 - Common barriers in cross-cultural contact17:40 - Language17:45 - Learning greetings in the language shows interest in the people18:43 - Bring your family to meet their family19:20 - Smile19:26 - Barriers are based on their comfort level with you20:04 - To reach people's hearts, learn greetings in their specific languageDID YOU APPRECIATE THIS PODCAST? Checkout previous episodes, leave a review, drop us a note or support the mission here: oururbanvoices.com
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