Episode Summary

This month, the hosts of The Instruction Booklet are celebrating their birthdays and talking about a special topic: Dungeons & Dragons and its influence on video games! Learn about the origins of D&D, it's growth in popularity, its impact on games in the '80s, and how its effect continues now with modern games like Call of Duty and NBA 2K! ----------------------------------- For Further Reading on this Episode's Topic Gamification in Learning: How to Use Experience Points (XP) Harry Cloak - Growth Engineering (08/23/2022) ► https://www.growthengineering.co.uk/gamification-experience-points/#:~:text=Back%20in%201974%2C%20they%20worked,influential%20game%20of%20all%20time GameSpy Interview with Dave Arneson - Allen Rausch (08/19/2004) ► http://pc.gamespy.com/articles/540/540395p1.html Dangerous Games ► https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520284920/dangerous-games ----------------------------------- Follow the Show's Socials! - Twitter: twitter.com/Instruction_Bk - Facebook: www.facebook.com/InstructionBooklet - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/theinstructionbooklet ----------------------------------- The Instruction Booklet full series Playlist: soundcloud.com/aychpodcast/sets/the-instruction-booklet ----------------------------------- Follow the Hosts! Jeremy - Instagram: www.instagram.com/pressartf4/ - Twitch: twitch.tv/backwardshero Michael - Instagram: www.instagram.com/mackerel_prawns/
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