Episode Summary

When faced with a terminal illness diagnosis, your emotions can be overwhelming. You still need to navigate the legal aspects, however, to ensure that you and your loved ones are protected. Stacy Francis’ guest this week is Alison Arden Besunder, a partner in charge of the Trust and Estates department at Goetz Fitzpatrick. Alison has extensive experience in guardianship and estate litigation. She joins Stacy to discuss end-of-life planning, including steps to take when the timeline is limited. Stacy and Alison delve into navigating the healthcare system, and the importance of having critical documents in place to convey your medical wishes clearly. Highlights from this episode: Ensure you have a healthcare proxy and living will in place to appoint someone as your medical decision-maker and provide evidence of your end-of-life intentions. Discuss end-of-life decisions openly with your loved ones, promoting a foundation of good communication to handle high-stress situations effectively. Even with your best efforts, you may feel helpless when dealing with a loved one's illness, but remember that your support and care are invaluable during these challenging times. Avoid burnout as a caregiver by setting boundaries and not taking on more than you can handle. Seek support from therapists to manage the emotional burden effectively. Find the right caregivers for your loved one by tapping into resources like personal needs guardians or geriatric care managers who can connect you with experienced aides. When navigating end-of-life care decisions, ask questions and advocate for your loved one to ensure the best possible care and treatment options. Bioethics committees in hospitals can offer support and assistance in decision-making, especially in challenging end-of-life care situations. They can help translate medical jargon and provide guidance to both physicians and families. Even without a living will, there are other forms like MOLT (Medical Options for Life-Sustaining Treatment) or PULST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) that can be used to make end-of-life decisions in a hospital setting. Navigating end-of-life decisions for pets also requires careful consideration, and sometimes there may be disagreements between family members on the best course of action. For anyone facing end-of-life care decisions or other financial challenges related to medical care, seeking guidance from financial advisors can be crucial to manage expenses and make informed choices. ResourcesAlison Arden Besunder on LinkedIn | Facebook | TwitterGoetz Fitzpatrick | LinkedInPhone: 212-695-8100 x289Stacy Francis on LinkedIn | TwitterEmail: stacy@francisfinancial.comFrancisFinancial.comReach out to receive a complimentary consultation! Contact Francis Financial at +212-374-9008 or visit Francis Financial today!
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