Episode Summary

Laura Rubin shares her wonderful journey from checking boxes on her success-list to pioneering women off of the hustle train. Having lost her job at her mid-life, Laura decided that she would do something that would really light her up for the second half of her life and make a difference to others. Laura is now encouraging, empowering and inspiring others to free themselves from society’s rules of success and build new habits that help create a better life. Laura is a reformed hustle-bunny, joy-seeker and lover of life. She specialises in mentoring recovering overachievers to unwind from the grind of overwork and burnout, so that they can play and fully experience life on the other side of the desk. In this episode, Laura shares insights into:💥 How the hustle can lead to life living you instead of you living your life💥 The process to gaining real self-worth and work-life harmony 💥 How letting go can lead to experiencing less anxietyConnect with Laura:https://lifewithlauramarie.com/IG: @lifewithlauramarie https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauramarierubin/https://www.facebook.com/LauraMRubin01 . . . ******************************************* FREE RESOURCES TO HELP YOU START YOUR FULFILMENT JOURNEY 🔥🔥🔥.➡️ https://journey2fulfilment.com/resources.Join our FREE FB Group For Female Coaches to Attract Clients & Grow Your Business:.➡️ https://www.facebook.com/groups/journey2fulfilment.Contact Pauline:If you are interested in working or collaborating with Pauline please feel free to drop her a DM on Facebook, LinkedIn, or drop an email to pauline@journey2fulfilment.com. 💛💙 For more fulfilment go to: www.journey2fulfilment.com
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