Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Lawful Monday, and we are reading from Numbers, one of the books of the Law. Next up are chapter 17-20. And of course I’ll have an “On This Date In Church History” segment for you, too. I’m calling today’s episode “Excuse Me?”   Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Elijah Boisvert on Unsplash Comments on Numbers 20 Once again the people were complaining. The older generation that had been forbidden from entering the Promised Land was beginning to die off, but now this newer generation was acting much like them. Yes they needed water, but instead of merely asking Moses what they were going to do, they sounded just like their parents: “We wish we had died when our people fell dead in front of the Lord. 4Why did you bring the Lord’s people into this desert? We and our livestock will die here. 5Why did you bring us up out of Egypt? Why did you bring us to this terrible place? It doesn’t have any grain or figs. It doesn’t have any grapes or pomegranates. There isn’t even any water for us to drink!” Waah, waah, waah!” So when Moses and Aaron went to the Lord, He told Moses, 8 “Get your walking stick. You and your brother Aaron gather the people together. Then speak to that rock while everyone is watching. It will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community. Then they and their livestock can drink it.” So let’s look carefully at what God said: 1-“Get your walking stick.” Moses did that. By the way, do you remember what the walking stick (or rod, as other translations have it) was for? It was the symbol of the authority God had given Moses.  And do you also remember another time that water came from a rock? In Exodus 17:6 God told Moses to strike the rock with the rod, and water came out. But here in Numbers 20, God to him only to speak to the rock. 2-“You and Aaron gather the people together.” They did that. So far, so good. 3- “Speak to the rock while everyone is watching.” Fail. Instead of speaking to the rock, Moses got snarky with the people. He said, “Listen, you who refuse to obey! Do we have to bring water out of this rock for you?” God did not tell Moses to chastise the people. Actually, God had a very specific plan for what was supposed to happen, and it most certainly did not involve scolding them. And what did Moses say? “Do we have to bring water out of this rock for you?” Excuse me? Did Moses really say “we”? As if he could bring water out of the rock? As if God can’t do it by Himself?  So now he’s made two blunders. He’s lectured the peopl
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