Joseph Lee, Deborah Stewart, Lisa Marchiano

Episode Summary

DREAM WITH US, and we’ll teach you how to interpret them!⁠⁠⁠How does one reconcile and integrate opposing forces within to achieve wholeness?Wedding dreams symbolize the union of opposites that spans psychological, spiritual, and alchemical dimensions. Encountering the wedding archetype in dreams constellates an inner marriage that calls for synthesis of known and novel traits and attitudes—depicted as the merging of masculine and feminine aspects or encounters with shadow.Alchemy called this process the hierosgamos, or sacred marriage, which fosters a state of wholeness. Archetypal images and themes surface such as light and darkness, the prince bearing the stone, and cycles of creation and dissolution. These images, and others, evoke fascination and prepare our waking mind to receive our emerging potential as the beloved. When projected onto others, these archetypal images—represented by anima or animus—complicate outer relationships. When we adopt a symbolic attitude the energy shifts to our internal relationships where radical change can revitalize every area of our lives.Prepare to discover what uniting inner opposites reveals about personal transformation; how to engage with inner conflicts as a path to wholeness; which symbols guide the journey of self-integration; whether the psyche seeks balance through symbolic union; why confronting hidden aspects of the self is essential for individuation…and so much more.LOOK & GROWJoin THIS JUNGIAN LIFE DREAM SCHOOL⁠⁠⁠Do you have a topic you want us to cover?⁠⁠⁠WE NEED YOUR HELP! Become a patron to keep TJL running.⁠⁠⁠We've got totally NEW MERCH!We’d like to take a crack interpreting your dream.If you’ve been struggling in the dark trying to find the keys to unlock yourdreams, help has arrived. Order your copy of ⁠⁠⁠Dream Wise: Unlocking the Meaning of Your Dreams⁠⁠⁠ from the hosts of This Jungian Life podcast and open the secret door.
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