Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

To design, create, produce, and promote a daily podcast, you have to have your ducks in a row. It requires planning -- lots of planning -- a solid format that you can use as a template. But what happens when you decide to make that podcast a scripted, fictional audio drama with voice actors, sound effects, and music? Does THAT work? Can THAT work as a daily podcast? Well, you don't have to wonder because I did just that and now I'm here to tell you what happened and what I learned. Learn more at Part 1 of 13 parts in my Between the Pauses mini-series that explores my thoughts while making my first audio drama: PAUSE for Dramatic Effect! If you're interested in the complete first season of Pause for Dramatic Effect you can download and listen to it for free at or wherever you find your podcasts.I would love for you to tell me how you think the story of Pause for Dramatic Effect turned out but giving it a rating and review or sending a Boost using one of the latest Podcast 2.0 app. If you don't have a Podcast 2.0 app, I would highly recommend or to get all the new podcast features you didn't know you were missing!Meanwhile, I'm now the founder of a new podcasting education and technology company called Oncetold. If you're ready to tell your story and start your own podcast then you need Oncetold at Easily Squished podcast episode #007 was originally published by Oncetold on May 08th, 2024. What Are You Waiting For by NoiseWorld licensed via Copyright © 2024. Not Easily Squished and Oncetold. All Rights Reserved.
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