Episode Summary

The economic news from Germany is bad. But is the reality as dire as it's portrayed? To find out if Germany is really the "sick man of Europe" again, Ted speaks with Professor Sebastian Dullien of the Hans Böckler Foundation's Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK). They discuss the problems Germany faces and what it needs to do to escape them. For background, listen to Episode 1 on Hartz IV here and Episode 8 on the Schuldenbremse here.  Prof. Dullien's podcast is here: https://www.boeckler.de/de/podcasts-22421.htm  And the Adam Tooze piece Ted referenced at the end is here: https://adamtooze.substack.com/p/chartbook-71-the-inflation-debate  ***** Follow Spaßbremse on Twitter (⁠@spassbremse_pod⁠). Music by ⁠Lee Rosevere⁠. Art by Franziska Schneider.
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