Episode Summary

88MWhce9wToCCENbRgfZ6X54Dx8HF4bYY79YkYN9nXeqCDmykzXuq48HWe6k9eZDkA4iYpLbTsvpXPnAGCALHTTMLUp8cWi OR DONATE HERE: www.monerotalk.live/donate Monerotopia 2023 - El Dinero de la Gente May 5 - May7 in Mexico City! We had AMAZING Speakers lined up: freedom seekers on a mission to build out a true digital cash parallel economy outside of State control. Speaker: Abudllah Khan (Co-founder and Developer of Monero Nodo) In this talk, Abdullah Khan discusses the development of a custom hardware stack for Monero nodes. The hardware configuration includes an OCTA-core processor, 16 GB of RAM, and a one terabyte SSD. The chipset is designed for portability and low power consumption. The implementation focuses on security, with the node running natively on Linux. The hardware includes features like a touchscreen for node control, USB ports for flexibility, and a dedicated recovery button. The custom case is designed for heat management and a long lifecycle. He also addresses the potential use of idle GPU power for transaction processing and acknowledges the global collaboration involved in the project. The emphasis throughout is on providing a seamless and secure Monero node experience. 🔗 Links: https://moneronodo.com/ https://twitter.com/MoneroNodo https://github.com/MoneroNodo/Nodo Watch on YouTube TELEGRAM: https://t.me/monerotopia MATRIX: https://matrix.to/#/%23monerotopia%3Amonero.social MoneroTopia23 Confer Vids: ODY: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/Monerotopia23:8 TY: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfJ_JjSwYaa810CWboNcPX7cY-JYEWo-4 A SUPER Thank you to CakeWallet.com and Monero.com for being the Main Stage Sponsor! https://twitter.com/cakewallet https://twitter.com/monerocom ITUNES: https://apple.co/34W7FVp SPOTIFY: https://spoti.fi/2t1y9b4 STITCHER: https://bit.ly/2tUcIck ODYSEE: https://bit.ly/3bMaFtE WEBSITE: https://www..Monerotopia.com CONTACT: monerotopia@protonmail.com Mastedon: @Monerotopia@mastodon.social TWITTER: https://twitter.com/monerotopia INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/monerotopia/ DOUGLAS: https://twitter.com/douglastuman SUNITA: https://twitter.com/sunchakr
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