Talk 4 RadioManagement, Business, Education

Episode Summary

Separation or divorce and be a heartbreak that can be difficult to get over.According to our guest, Sara Webb it is even more difficult in the LGBTQ community because the heartbreak is different.Sara teaches pocket-sized techniques her clients can use anywhere to process stress and improve daily happiness, so they can bring the best versions of themselves to their own lives. Resilience is the key to revive innate personal power. And meditation is one of the keys.https://www.sarawebbsays.comInspire Vision Podcast is broadcast on K4HD Radio ( part of Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network ( Inspire Vision Podcast TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV ( Vision Podcast is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
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