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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we’ll read 2 Kings 1-5. Afterwards, I’ll have some thoughts to share with you. I’m calling today’s episode “It Can’t Be That Easy.” Comments on 2 Kings 5 So this Naaman was an important guy, commander of the army of Syria. Note that Syria is not part of the Promised Land, and the Syrians are not part of God’s chosen people. As a matter of fact, one of the key people in this chapter was a young girl that was from Israel that had been captured by the Syrians. And this girl, when she became aware that Naaman had leprosy, told him that there was a prophet who could cure him. This prophet was Elisha. This girl had huge faith. Elisha had never healed anyone of leprosy, but her faith was great. Now here is an important fact about faith. It is not something that comes from us. It is a gift of God. There are many scriptures that tell us this, but I’ll just give you one for now. Hebrews 12:2 says that He is the author and finisher of our faith. Whatever faith we have comes from Him. So God gave this young girl the faith that would move Naaman to seek out Elisha. And what happened when Elisha first told Naaman how to receive his healing? Naaman rejected it! It seemed too easy! “What? Wash in the Jordan?!?”  Why did he discount the prescription? First off, he expected more of a production…he expected some sort of hocus pocus and arm waving. Secondly, the Jordan was seen by this Syrian as “less than” one of his own rivers from his home.  Naaman had no faith in the cure. But his servants said, “Hey, why not try it? What have you got to lose? What if it works? Isn’t it worth a try?” And you know what happened. He went in the Jordan and was cured.  He was cured not because of his faith, but because of the glory that would come to God. Naaman declared that he now believed that the Lord was the only God. And he committed to worship and sacrifice to only the Lord. Think of it. This man who was very important, and had thousands of people under his leadership declared that the God of the Hebrews is the one and only God. How many other people were changed by that declaration we do not know, but God saw to it that His name became known to an entire nation. And He did that through the faith He gave to one young slave girl. What will God accomplish through you? You don’t need a pulpit. You don’t need a degree or a prestigious job or 10,000 followers on Twitter. All you need is the faith God gave you and the willingness to speak when He prompts you. Who knows what’ll happen? Feel free to comment below. Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Behrouz Jafarnezhad on Unsplash
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