Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we will complete the book of  Proverbs 16. I’ll have comments on both chapters after the reading, and I’m calling today’s episode “Gray Isn’t So Bad.” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: JJ Jordan Comments on Proverbs 16 I have a question for you. What is more common…a wise person or a foolish one? I’ll get back to you for your answer in a moment. The last time I got my hair cut, I looked down at the barbers drape that my barber used on me, and I had to comment that I didn’t like the color she had chosen to use. The black of the drape really showed how much gray hair I now have. It isn’t all gray yet, but it seems like every time I go for a haircut there is more and more. I guess I shouldn’t feel so bad about it, though, based on Proverbs 16:31 which says, “Gray hair is a glorious crown; it is found in the way of righteousness.” I know that the Lord is not at all interested in flattering us, but verses like this sure do help to ease the process of getting older. So today we learned that God really detests liars and dishonest business practices, impatient and easily angered people, disloyal and unfaithful friends, and much more. Of course, that is no surprise, but remember that Proverbs was given to us as a guide, or a course on how to gain wisdom. It’s filled with examples that contrast the wise with the fool.  And given its purpose, it must be possible to learn wisdom. We’re not “born” with wisdom, we learn it. Of course that is true, because most of the wise people I have known are those who have been down the road a piece. They are, as my good friend Ron Ploof of Griddlecakes Radio says, “the gray hairs”. Have you ever noticed how unusual it is to find a young person with wisdom? It can happen, but you don’t often walk away from a conversation with a young person saying, “What wisdom!” So what is more common…a wise person or a foolish one? If your answer to that question a moment ago was that there are more foolish people than wise, don’t be too discouraged. Fools can learn to be wise. What they need is guidance from the Master. So my encouragement to you is to be the wise person who is available to those that need wisdom, so that you can point them to the Source of wisdom. Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 16 HCSB Support This a value for value podcast. There are no advertisers because advertising equals censorship. If you enjoy the Lifespring One Year Bible Rewind, dec
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