Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Matt 8-10. After that I’ll have some comments. Then we’ll do our “On This Day In Church History” segment, and we’ll have a short time of prayer.  Thoughts on Matthew 10 32Everyone therefore who confesses me before men, him I will also confess before my Father who is in heaven. 33But whoever denies me before men, him I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 10:32-33 Those are the words of Jesus. Our Savior and our Lord. You know what “Lord” means, right? It means “one having authority and power over others”. So if he said those words, it’s critically important that we make a stand for Christ, publicly. People need to know that we are followers of Jesus.   Way back in the olden days, 1979, there was a song by a guy who went by the name of Gary S. Paxton. The name of  the song was Evidence. One of the verses said,  If you were arrested for being a ChristianWould there be enough evidence to help convict youIf they took you in front of a panel of judgesCould they find a staunch witness to help convict you Evidence, Gary S. Paxton That song has been with me, in the back of my mind for over 40 years. I want there to be so much evidence that if I’m ever put on trial for my faith in Jesus that it’ll be the world’s shortest trial. Open and shut. The prosecuting attorney will have the easiest summation ever: “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. You see the volumes of evidence against Mr. Webb. Do your duty.” And the jury goes into the jury room, takes a preliminary vote, which is a unanimous GUILTY.  What would your trial be like? I like what Spurgeon said: “What Christ is to you on earth, that you will be to Christ in heaven. I shall repeat that truth. Whatever Jesus Christ is to you on earth, you will be to him in the day of judgment. If he be dear and pr
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