Episode Summary

Bob Gross talks leadership, life, family, travel, community giveback, his red EV mustang, music and so much more.  Landing page, contact info and topic resources are at Bob Gross - The Zenquest of Leaders — zenquest.online.  As this episode releases, we raise a “Cheers” to Bob’s late father Eugene C. Gross. Administering guidance control systems, Eugene was integral to the Apollo program of missions. He would be 90 today, and we send him our grateful thanks! Cheers, Eugene!!Robert J. Gross is both the CEO and the visionary of Gross Automation, LLC.  More than 34 years ago, Bob saw an opportunity to take both his engineering skills along with his incredible sense of humor and apply them to an industrial automation and controls business, born in an incubator on the northwest side of Milwaukee.  Since then, the company has grown to currently include 31 employees representing 59 family lives.  Gross Automation now represents more than 50 manufacturing partners and has more than 10,000 unique customers, both locally and internationally.Bob is currently the President of the Kiwanis Club of Wauwatosa as well as chair of the sponsored youth and youth services committee.  He also serves on the board of the Wauwatosa Lions Club.  Both the Kiwanis and the Lions support his passion for Scouting by chartering Scout units and he currently serves there as both a unit commissioner as well as on the shooting sports committee with his NRA certifications of rifle, pistol, and shotgun instructor, and as a chief range safety officer.  Bob’s other passions include being an instrument-rated private pilot and having his baby grand piano in his office...  for those occasions when he needs to just zen!
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