Episode Summary
My jaw hit the floor when Catherine O’Hara, comedic genius, said she used to tell her ideas to Dave Thomas so he could pitch them to their SCTV group instead of her. Catherine O’Hara?! One of the most innovative performers we have, had as much trouble getting ideas out in a meeting as a lot women have?! She was on a podcast, telling this to Julia Louis-Dreyfus, a similarly remarkable comedic mind, who then shared that she, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, still, after decades of comedic accomplishments, has to push herself to pitch her ideas. These are two of the greats. Both of them came up in groups where they were often one of two women in groups of men and surprise, surprise, experienced the same sort of difficulties many women have encountered. In these ensembles where the competition was for the funniest bit, the most effective laugh, they managed to succeed but it sounds like it was not easy. It sounds like they experienced a lot of something I’ve come to call The Little Sister Effect. To keep reading The Little Sister Effect, visit the Songs for the Struggling Artist blog. This is Episode 428 Song: Sister Golden Hair Image by Kyle Nieber via Unsplash. To support this podcast: Give it 5 stars in Apple Podcasts. Write a nice review! Rate it wherever you listen or via: https://ratethispodcast.com/strugglingartist Join my mailing list: www.emilyrainbowdavis.com/ Like the blog/show on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SongsfortheStrugglingArtist/ Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/emilyrdavis Or on Kofi: http://ko-fi.com/emilyrainbowdavis or PayPal me: https://www.paypal.me/strugglingartist Join my Substack: https://emilyrainbowdavis.substack.com/ Follow me on Twitter