Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Transcript Podcast Introduction I’m so glad you’re here today! A lot of you are new listeners, and it really thrills my heart to have you aboard. There’s a lot of stuff going on in the world today, and I believe with every fiber of my being that the Bible has the answers that so many people are looking for today. Specifically, I believe…no, I know from personal experience, that a personal relationship with Jesus is the way to have peace in your heart in the midst of the chaos and turmoil that is currently happening around us.  This is the daily podcast where we will read the *entire* Bible in a year. If you’ve never read the entire Bible, or if never read the Bible before, I hope that as we go through it, I can make this year informative and even entertaining as I talk about what we’re reading each day. I’m always open to your comments, and I’ll read some of them on the show. You can comment at Today, we are going to read from the book of Isaiah, chapters 1-6. I’ll be reading from the NIV, after which I’ll share some comments. After that, we’ll have the “On This Day In Church History” segment, and then “Prayer Requests” Introduction to Isaiah This book is the first of what are considered the books of prophecy. Most people, when they hear the word “prophecy” think of telling the future. And sometimes it does, but that is only a part of prophecy. A biblical prophet is a person who speaks for God. God has actually given them a specific message, usually for a specific person or specific group of people, and he tasks the prophet to deliver the message.  By the way, the prophet Isaiah was a little bit like the Billy Graham of his time. Billy Graham counseled every president from Harry S. Truman to Barak Obama…twelve consecutive presidents. His active ministry years stretched from 1943 to 2013, seventy years. (As an aside, I had the privilege to interview Dr. Graham’s longtime friend and musical director, George Beverly Shea on the Lifespring! podcast in 2006. Here’s the link.) Isaiah’s ministry lasted from about 740 BC to around 680 BC, roughly 60 years. And unlike some other biblical prophets, he had personal access to the kings of his day. And like Billy, Isaiah maintained an international perspective throughout his book. Of course, with a sixty year ministry, God gave Isaiah more than one message. Isaiah spoke to the people about caring for the poor and needy, following God’s instructions on how to live, and pursuing social and economic justice. And he spoke of coming judgement because of Israel’s failure. But, and this is important, he also spoke of God’s promise to restore Israel if and when they would turn from their errant ways and return to Him. Thoughts On Isaiah I like the way chapter two ends: 22Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed? Isaiah 2:22 NASB The NIV says is a bit more clearly: 22Stop trusting in mere humans,
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