Alternate Thursdays

Episode Summary

Come Samba with Poda Bing from Ipanema to Lake Oscawana as we pay respect to this perfectly tuned grand entrance to a final season.Selected topics discussed/References made:Lake Oscawana, Beretta's logo, Tesla stock, Donald Glover, Morrissey, Rudy Giuliani, Allen Iverson, Groucho Marx, Peloton, Stan Getz, Dead Poet's Society, Clubhouse, Reddit, Jimmer Fredette, Charlton Heston, The Revenant, Fredo Corleone, Aristotle vs. Plato, Napoleon, Milton Bradley, Quavo, McNulty & Bunk, The Gladiator, Vik's favorite shot in the series, Texas Instruments, Weekend at Bernie's, Chris Cornell and more!Poda Bing is an Alternate Thursdays production created by Vik Singh (@helloimvik)Follow @podabing on IG, Twitter or wherever tfAll archived episodes are available, for free, at and anywhere you listen to podcasts.
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