Peter Noce & Harry PosnerTechnology, Arts

Episode Summary

Last rights, or last rites? Before the curtain is drawn, somber or joyful, which would you choose?Duration: 25:18Posted: December 31, 2023Highlights:* Preferences for own funerals and ways to celebrate life and honour the deceased* Personal experiences with funerals, including those of family members* Harry's desire to be cremated and have his ashes spread under an oak tree* Celebrating life instead of tear-filled ceremonies and sadness at funerals* Pre-funeral funerals and involving the person while they are still alive* Peter's experience with his father's funeral and breaking with tradition* Importance of having conversations about death and funeral preferences* Thoughts on death and dying, including assisted death and respecting individual wishes* Significance of dying peacefully and the presence of loved ones* Significance of a smile in the face of death and personal experiences with parents' passing
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