Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Can you feel the change? I can feel it. It’s a change in momentum. We’re over the top and headed downhill. The other day when I walked home after locking my keys in the truck, most of the first half of the way was uphill. And once I reached the top, and was no longer fighting against gravity, it felt so good. Now we’ve passed the halfway mark.  Today is a milestone. It begins the second half of our year long journey through the Bible together. No matter how long you’ve been with me this season, whether from the first episode or this is your first day, pat yourself on the back. The decision to read the entire Bible is always a one. I’m proud of you, in a good way, and happy to have you as a part of the ls fam. Thank you. Today we’ll read Psalms 78-80.  I’ll give you an introduction before reading each chapter, and after reading the all the chapters I’ll have some comments. I’m calling today’s episode “Onward!” Comments on Psalms 79 and 80 Psalms 79 and 80 are good examples of a repentant Israel crying out to God after He has disciplined them for deserting Him. The writer recounts how their enemies have wreaked havoc on the land and the people, and he asks God to turn His anger away from His people and toward those who do not acknowledge Him. He confesses that Israel is helpless without Him. And he promises that when God delivers them, they will praise Him. This is an excellent model for repentance and confession for us today. It’s good to acknowledge our pain before God, and to tell Him the circumstances of our situation. If we are going through His discipline, we should acknowledge that we are aware of it, and then ask forgiveness. It’s healthy to confess that we truly are helpless without Him. Of course we should always praise Him, but especially when we sense His presence and intervention in our lives.  Yes, God knows all of this before we speak it. He is, after all, God. But speaking the words is a way of showing Him that our heart is truly seeking Him, and broken. It shows that we have a contrite heart, and God loves a heart that is contrite.  When God sees that our heart is right, He will always respond with love. He yearns for the opportunity to bless His people. Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Jakob Owens on Unsplash Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 78 CEB, Ch. 79-80 GWT Support This a value for value podcast. There are no advertiser
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