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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today is gospel Saturday. We’ll finish the book of John by reading chapters 19-21. And next Saturday, we’ll begin reading the last book in what we’re calling the Gospels section of the Bible. The book of Acts. I’ll have an “On This Date In Church History” segment for you, too. And I have another praise to share with you today. I’m calling today’s episode “One Word.“   Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Mehdi-Thomas BOUTDARINE on Unsplash Comments on John 20 In chapter 19 we read about the crucifixion of Jesus. In chapter 20 we read about His resurrection. In chapter 21 we read about some of the appearances of Jesus after the resurrection and before His ascension.  Needless to say, every event spoken of in these three chapters is worthy of further comment, but there is just one word in these three chapters that gets to me every time I read it. One word. Can you guess what that word is? Mary. Here she is, standing at the opening of the tomb that had held Jesus’ broken body, utterly broken hearted that someone has apparently taken him away, and all she wants is for this person who she thinks is a gardener to tell her where they have taken him. She is weeping, and nearly inconsolable. All she can think of is finding her Lord. How do I know this? Here’s how. In nearly every mention of a person coming in contact with an angel, we are told that the person is terrified. So many times, Scripture reports that the angel says, “Be not afraid.” But here, Mary sees *two* angels sitting where Jesus’ body had been, and we don’t read anything about Mary being frightened at all. The angels asked Mary why she was crying, and she answers them like she was talking to a normal person. All she can think of is finding her Lord. And then she turns around to leave, and Jesus is standing there. But she doesn’t recognize him. We aren’t told why. Maybe she couldn’t see clearly because of the tears in her eyes. Maybe she didn’t even look directly at him. Maybe her gaze was directed at the ground. Maybe Jesus’ appearance was altered in some way. Whatever the reason, she did not recognize Him. So she said to him, ““Sir, if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him.” And that’s when it happened. He said her name. “Mary.” In John 10:27 Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice…” There was something about the way Jesus said her name that made the reality of who this was standing in front of her cause her to cry “Teacher!”, and s
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