Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Job 19-20, and I’m calling the episode “The Redeemer.” Comments on Job 19 The chapter begins with Job responding yet again to his “friends” turned accusers, asking “How long will you torment me and crush me with your words?”. And he continues by recounting how utterly miserable he has become. Even God seems to have turned his back on him, even persecuting him. And yet in verses 23 through 27 we see that indeed, Job’s faith in God remains steadfast! He says,”As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives!” Hallelujah! Let’s take a closer look at the word “redeemer”.  The Hebrew word is “goel”. We see the goel in Joshua 20:7-8 and Numbers 35:12-28, where the cities of refuge were established. In these chapters, goel is translated as the “avenger of blood”. It was almost always the nearest family member who was appointed as goel, and it was It was his responsibility to rightly carry out justice when a family member was murdered. But it is important to note that Old Testament justice was similar to our justice system: there is criminal law and civil law. The “avenger of blood” dealt with criminal law. On the civil side, the goel is a “redeemer”. According to G. Campbell Morgan, “The ‘Goel’ stood for another to defend his cause, to avenge wrongs done to him, and so to acquit him of all charges laid against him.” Steve Lawson put it this way: “A redeemer was a vindicator of one unjustly wronged. He was a defender of the oppressed. A champion of the suffering. An advocate of one unjustly accused. If you were ever wronged, a redeemer would come and stand beside you as your champion and advocate.”  Job was saying that even though he *felt* that God had abandoned him, even though he *felt* that God was wrongly persecuting him, he *knew* that God was his goel, his closest family member, his redeemer, his vindicator. Job *knew* that in the end, God would make things right. Oh beloved, to have faith like Job! Even in the midst of agony and despair, to know that we do have a Redeemer!  “Remember, too, that it was always considered to be the duty of the goel, not merely to redeem by price, but where that failed, to redeem by power… There are two redemptions, — redemption by price and redemption by power, and both of these Christ hath wrought for us; — by price, by his sacrifice upon the cross of Calvary; and by power, by his Divine Spirit coming into our heart, and renewing our soul.” (Charles Spurgeon) Jesus is, even now, advocating for you and for me at the throne of God. He *has* redeemed us with His blood. And when the enemy, the accuser brings charges against us, Jesus is there to say, “No! This one is mine, and I have paid the price for this precious one.” Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 19 NASB, Ch. 20 CEB Support This a value for value podcast. There are no advertisers because advertising equals censorship. If you enjoy the Lifespring One Year Bible Rewind, decide how much value it brings to you. Only you can make that determination. Then put a number on the value and donate here: SUPPORT. The Team
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