Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Genesis 28-31, and I’m calling the episode “Let’s Get Together.”  After my comments, we will of course learn what happened “On This Day In Church History.” and I have a praise to share with you. Comments on Genesis 31 One of the things I like about doing this show is re-reading the scriptures, because when I’m preparing the show, I read with a heart that really wants to hear from God as to what I should say to you. And sometimes, God meets me in a very powerful way. What I mean is that oftentimes, as I study I note the things that sort of stand out to me as possible things to talk about. And then after I’ve read the chapters for the day, I look back at my notes, and the things that are still interesting to me are the ideas that I study further, and they’re usually the things I talk to you about. But sometimes. Sometimes I’ll be reading the chapters and writing notes, and then I’ll read a bit further and WHAM! God just really makes a verse hit me like never before. And then I’ll dig in and dive deep. And God and I have a marvelous time together. I often have to stop for several minutes just to offer Him praise and worship. Sometimes it’s just overwhelming.  Beloved, I’m telling you this for two reasons.  I want to encourage you to approach reading God’s Word with an expectant heart. With a heart that truly wants to hear from God. If you do that, I promise He’ll show up. Don’t be in a rush. Just take your time and read to understand. If you don’t understand what you’re reading, use some of the great resources that are available online. Commentaries from well-respected scholars, Bible dictionaries, etc. The more you understand about what you’re reading, the better God can talk to you. I promise you, any time you invest in studying will be oh-so-worth-it. This happened to me again today as I was studying for this episode. I was taking notes on each of the chapters, and then when I got to chapter 31, verse 13 and read, “I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to Me,” I was overwhelmed with emotion and love for this amazing God we serve.  Most of you are Christians. You’re believers. You’ve accepted Jesus into your life. Do you remember when you did that? When you committed your life to Him? I’ll bet you do. It’s probably a cherished memory.  Thoughts on Genesis 31 In chapter 31 in our reading today, God appeared to Jacob in a dream and, among other things, He said, “I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to Me.” God was reminding Jacob of the time, many years before…when he was on his way to live with Laban…when God showed him the ladder that went up to heaven. How good it is to be reminded of times that God spoke to us.  I do not remember the exact date or year when I gave my heart to God. But I remember the place. It was a little Southern Baptist church in Rowland Heights, CA. Our pastor, W.L. Watson was preaching a message, and I realized that even though I believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He died for my sins, I had never invited Him to BE my Lord and Savior. I couldn’t wait for the sermon to end and for him to give the invitation. And when he did, still I hesitated. My friends were there, after all! They thought that I was a Christian. How could I go forward? What would they think? But the Holy Spirit kept urging me to go forward. I hesitated. He said, “Do it n
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