Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction This is the daily podcast where we will read the entire Bible in a year. Stick around, and before you know it, you’ll be able to say you’ve read the entire Bible, in the process, I hope you will be inspired, informed and maybe even entertained. How did you find the show? Did a friend tell you, did you hear about the show on another podcast, did you learn about it in a fortune cookie? Let me know! Email me at st***@li*************.com, and use the subject line “Here’s where I found you”. Alan Middleton heard about the show from Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak’s No Agenda podcast. He said in his email: This was exactly what I was looking for. Every year, I come up with a new plan for Bible listening and devotional podcasts, and the ones I had for 2021 weren’t really working for me.  So the possibility to jumping on with you was worth checking out, and I think I am going to really enjoy the system you use for going through the Word. Keep up the good work and God bless you. GBY too, Alan. Thanks for your email. BTW, Alan has a podcast called  Dorkness to Light, which you can find at Thanks for answering the question Alan! st***@li*************.com, and use the subject line “Here’s where I found you”. Thoughts on Romans Romans 1 Paul’s epistle, or letter to the Romans is probably the most eloquent and developed presentation of God’s plan of salvation in the entire Bible. It begins with an introduction here in the first chapter up to verse 15, then moves into presenting the Gospel in all of its intricacies through to the end of chapter 11. From chapter 12 through most of chapter 15, Paul shows how we are transformed by the power of God, and then the final verses of the book are some closing thoughts of a personal nature and a blessing. Here in the first chapter, Paul opens by introducing himself and how Jesus called him to be an apostle, which means messenger. Then he tells the Romans how much affection he has for them and how he wants to visit them, and then he says how God accepts anyone who has faith. Later on he’ll talk much more about that, but here in the introduction, it is noted that the message is that God has made a way of saving all people, whether Jew or Gentile. Then Paul wastes little time in showing the broken nature of mankind, and the trouble they bring on themselves when they turn their heart on God. He says they have no excuse, because God has revealed Himself in so many ways. But they reject Him, and because of their insistence and stubbornness, He has turned them over to do as they will. Once God lets go, it doesn’t take long to begin circling the drain into a life of depravity. He lists several specific sins, and it’s a list that if we were to give each one a rating from 1 to 10, with a 1 rating
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