Eric NantzScience

Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

How a recent pivot in one of the most popular testing frameworks in R unlocks mocking once again, bringing robust grammar checks to your R development environment with rspell, and flex your Shiny and HTML design muscles with flexbox. Episode Links This week's curator: Batool Almarzouq - @batool664 (X/Twitter) Update on mocking for testing R packages {rspell} Are you writing in a foreign language? The RStudio spelling dictionary setting is not sufficient to correct grammar errors. Try the {rspell} package to grammar-proof your notebooks and documentation straight on RStudio without copying-pasting. 3MW (Aligning content with flexboxes) Entire issue available at Supplement Resources testthat 3.2.0 re-introduced mocking after it was removed in 2019. The PR with Hadley's commentary Supporting the show Use the contact page at to send us your feedback R-Weekly Highlights on the - You can send a boost into the show directly in the Podcast Index. First, top-up with Alby, and then head over to the R-Weekly Highlights podcast entry on the index. A new way to think about value: Get in touch with us on social media Eric Nantz: (Mastodon) and @theRcast (X/Twitter) Mike Thomas: (Mastodon) and @mike_ketchbrook (X/Twitter) Music credits powered by OCRemix Kannonball - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest - The Good Ice - The Art of Zoning Out - Pokemon Scarlet - timaeus222 -
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