Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today is Job 13-14, and I’m calling the episode “You’ve Got Some Nerve”.  Comments on Job 13 and 14 In chapter 13, Job speaks to God. His prayer begins humbly. “Listen carefully. Hear what I have to say. I’ve thought about my case, and I think I’ll be found righteous.” He asks God to stop oppressing him, and he asks Him not to frighten him. The next thing he says is a bit bold. He says to God, “Call and I’ll answer. But if you don’t, I’ll speak and you’ll answer me.” I’m not sure I would make that challenge to the One who holds the universe in His hand! But he proceeds to make his case to God, whom he is convinced has unjustly brought all these mishaps upon him. He thinks God is being unfair, and he wants an answer. When we are in the midst of suffering, our thinking can really get confused. It’s had to think clearly when we’re in pain, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. That’s one of the reasons God gave us His Word. It is meant to be the compass that guides us in the storms of life, when we are unable to get our bearings from what we can see or think.  When all seems hopeless, when it feels as if God is far away, His Word tells us that He does not change, that all things work together for those who are called, and that He is love. Those promises never change, despite any turmoil that we are in.  Never judge any situation by what you feel. Feelings lie. The heart is a deceiver. God’s Word is true. He is the Rock of our salvation. In chapter 14, Job talks about the frailty of man, the short time that he is here on Earth, and the fact that once he is gone, he’ll not return. Job ends with the idea that once we are gone, we’ll not even know what becomes of our children.  As a parent, I pray for and am concerned for my kids and their kids. But the fact is, their destiny is beyond my control. Just as I had to decide whether or not I would follow Christ, they must make their own decisions. I do my best to be a good example for them, I do my best to lay a godly foundation for them to build on, but their relationship with God, or lack of it, is between them and God. I must put them in God’s hands and trust them to His love.  Job was right. We live in a fallen, dying world where the cares and struggles of life never end. We seem to go from one difficulty to another. Life is not easy. I for one am content with the few days we have on Earth and look forward, like Job did to answering God when He calls me home. Not that I’m in a hurry, but I won’t go kicking and screaming. I look forward to being in His loving embrace. Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 5-6 GNT Support This a value for value podcast. There are no advertisers because advertising equals censorship. If you enjoy the Lifespring One Year Bible Rewind, decide how much value it brings to you. Only you can make that determination. Then put a number on the value and donate here: SUPPORT. The Team Transcript Correction: Lifespring Family Berean, Sister DenisePodcasting 2.0 Chapters: Lifespring Family Berean, Brother Sean of San Pedro and Lifespring Family Berean, Brother Michael HanerShow Art
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