Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today our reading is  Job 31-32. I’m calling the episode “The Youngster Speaks.” Comments on Job 31-32 Job 31 He starts with one of a man’s most common sins: looking with lust at a young woman. How many men can say that he has not done that? He says that he made a covenant with his eyes not to do that. I remember reading that Billy Graham, in all his travels made a similar covenant with his eyes. He would always avert his eyes to the ground when he was in a place where a pretty woman was around. This is a good strategy. Job asks if he has lied or deceived anyone, and when he has said all he can in his defense, when he has laid out his case, he challenges God to answer *him*!  I think perhaps Job took it a step too far, don’t you? Job 32 Beginning with chapter 32 and ending with chapter 37, we hear from Elihu.  Chapter 32 is the first time Elihu shows up in the book of Job. From the context of his speeches, he appears to be much younger than Job or his friends, though we do not know his exact age. His speech here in this chapter doesn’t really need much explaining, except to say that like many young men, he obviously does not have the experience to know what he does not know. In his mind, he is the smartest person in the room.  I like what Bible commentator Elmer Smick said: “Almost all modern interpreters have found Elihu to be insufferably wordy. MacKenzie says that it takes him twenty-four verses to say, ‘Look out! I’m going to speak!’” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Usman Yousaf on Unsplash Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 31-32 NLT Today’s Music O Come All Ye Faithful Support This a value for value podcast. There are no advertisers because advertising equals censorship. If you enjoy the Lifespring One Year Bible Rewind, decide how much value it brings to you. Only you can make that determination. Then put a number on the value and donate here: SUPPORT
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