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Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Since today is FRIDAY, we’ll be reading from one of the books of Prophecy. We’re begin the book of Amos. I’ll start with a brief introduction to the book, then after we read chapters 1-4. I’ll have some comments  for you. And of course I’ll have an “On This Date In Church History” segment for you, too. I’m calling today’s episode “Warning From A Good Ol’ Boy” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Rebecca Ritchie on Unsplash Comments on Amos 1-4 Amos was what we might call today a good ol’ boy. He was a plain-speaking, simple, country farmer. The name means “burden-bearer”, and he certainly did bear the burden of carrying God’s message. Amos challenged Bethel’s priest, Amaziah, and he bore God’s message reproving the sin of the people and calling them to repentance. His first message was against nearby enemies of Israel, and then he spoke to Israel about their idolatry and stubbornness toward God. After telling them about the judgments God would bring against them, the book ends with the promise of the coming Messiah. Over and over again in chapter four we heard the phrase, “The Lord is speaking.” Throughout their history, God has repeatedly told them what He expects from them in terms of their behavior and the condition of their hearts. But repeatedly, they forsake God to go their own way, only to come under His judgment. After a time, they repent, and God again blesses them.  Now, at this point in their history, they are being told again of impending judgment. And now Amos reminds them with each statement, “The Lord is speaking.” As if to say, “Guys, I’m not saying this, God is. Remember who He is! Think of what has happened in the past. Do you want that again? This is God telling you this!” There used to be a TV commercial many years ago. If you’re as old as I am, you might remember it. It was for a stock brokerage firm by the name of E.F. Hutton. The tag line was, “When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen.”  If only we would listen when God talks, huh? Steve Jobs Introduces the iPod Part One
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