Bitcoin UniversityLeisure

Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Get your Bitcoin University channel membership here: this video, I discuss how free markets do a much better job of providing goods and services to people than do centrally-planned economies.It's a common mistake today to think that "really important things" (like education, healthcare, defense, food production, etc) should be delegated to the government.If something is really important, then it is too important to be left to the government-- and should be handled by the free market instead.So who will build the roads? That's like asking who will make the pencils, or run the grocery stores, or build the rockets, if the government doesn't do it. The answer is: anyone who wants to, or thinks that they can make a profit by doing so.In the first few decades of the US, most roads were privately financed and constructed. And are modern government roads really that great after all?Take healthcare out of the hands of the government. Take education out of the hands of the government. And most importantly: take money creation out of the hands of government.Stop brainwashing people in school that money is another one of those essential government services (chartalism), or that money needs any sort of government blessing in order to function effectively.It doesn't. Gold and silver emerged as money spontaneously over thousands of years. Gold and silver did not become money because governments blessed them. It's actually the opposite: governments began to issue coins made out of silver and gold, because the free market had already converged on those precious metals.Government schools are responsible for teaching the big lie of chartalism, that money can only come from the government. But don't be surprised when a government warns you how essential its services are. What else would you expect to hear from a self-interested monopoly?Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.Bitcoin and Free Markets: government education: government fails to fix homeless problem: Who will launch the rockets? grocery stores:'s minimum wage law backfires: government setting the price of bread: times for treatment in Canada: times for ambulance in UK:’s biggest pothole is length of a double-decker bus: am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos. My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals. #Bitcoin #freemarket
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