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Rumble Strip
Erica Heilman / Rumble Strip, Erica Heilman
Erica Heilman / Rumble Strip, Erica Heilman

Episode Summary

For years I've been wanting to make a show about the terrible cultural divides growing in our country, but I couldn't figure out how to do it without getting into boring conversations about politics. So I backed into an experiment. I asked my editor at Vermont Public if I could drive around and ask people, 'what class are you?', just to see what would happen. And he said, 'uh...sure.' So I did. This is the series that came of that experiment. And even though these conversations took place in rural Vermont, I think they are indicative of what people are thinking and feeling all over the country. And maybe we should all be having these conversations? I don't know. You tell me. And here is the series,  What Class Are You? This series was produced for Vermont Public, and I am grateful to them for allowing me to share it with the Rumble Strip audience.
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