Angel Trebles Garcia

Episode Summary

Dr. Laura Sanger is back for her third electrifying appearance, diving deep into the hidden world of weaponized sound waves! Get ready for a thrilling exploration of frequency technology, the science behind modern music, and the powerful NEPHILIM intervention in education.// FOLLOW DR LAURA SANGER HERE ⬇️⬇️⬇️ The Roots of the Federal Reserve English Roots of the Federal Reserve Spanish Hoodwinked Longer Enslaved YouTube LauraSanger444hz Laura Sanger444hz // // GET 15% OFF AT CHECK OUT USING "PARANOI" at FLAVORS OF THE FOREST⬆️⬆️⬆️// STRUGGLING WITH MENTAL HEALTH? GET $50 OFF YOUR NEXT LIFE CHANGING TREATMENT AT MENTAL WARIOR by Dr Atwell& VISIT PARANOIRADIO.COM ☂️
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