Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Our reading today John 10-12. After the reading, I’ll have some comments for you. I’m calling today’s episode “Therefore.” Design: Steve Webb | Photo: David Clode on Unsplash Comments on John 11 In this chapter we read about perhaps Jesus’ greatest miracle…the raising of His friend, Lazarus, from the dead. Lazarus’ sisters, Mary and Martha, had sent word to Jesus that, “…the one whom you love is ill.” In the Greek, the way the word “ill” is used tells us that he had been sick for some time. This was not something that just came up suddenly. They had watched their brother in his sickness, and now felt the need to call for Jesus.  Again, I’m not entirely happy with the way the CEB translates Jesus’ response. “This illness isn’t fatal. It’s for the glory of God so the God’s Son can be glorified through it.” The fact is that the illness was fatal. The illness did, in fact kill him. In the Greek, what Jesus said was, “This ailment will not end in death. It is for God’s glory, so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” The difference in the two translations is subtle, but I think it is important.  So in my comments, I am going not going to use the CEB as we move forward. There are more of these differences, and I want us to look just at what the original language wants us to see. After Jesus said that the illness will not end in death, we are told that Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus, and *therefore* stayed two more days in the place where He was. I have always been taught that when you see the word “therefore” in Scripture, ask yourself, “What’s the therefore there for?” And in this case, the therefore is there for a very specific and incredibly important reason. “Therefore” ties two thoughts or events together. What are they in this case? 1) Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. 2) Jesus stayed two more days. He loved them, therefore he stayed two more days.  Jesus could have healed Lazarus immediately. He did not need to travel to Bethany, where the sisters and Lazarus was. But there was something to be accomplished in their waiting, and in the death of Lazarus. Jesus told us what it was, “It is for God’s glory, so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” Jesus knew that in going back to Judea, where the Jewish leaders had wanted to stone Him to death, He was walking into danger. And He knew that when He raised Lazarus from the dead, that would be the beginning of His final
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