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Episode Summary

Today’s Bible Translation Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 63 HCSB; Ch. 64 NLT; Ch. 65 ERV Podcast Introduction It’s Psalms Wednesday, and we’ll read chapters 63-65. I’m calling this episode “Safe In God’s Strong Hand.” As always with the Psalms, I’ll give you a brief introduction before reading each chapter, and I’ll end the reading with some comments. Design: Scott Snider | Photo: Aaron Burden on Unsplash Comments on Psalms 63-65 Introduction to Psalm 63 The title of this psalm is A Davidic psalm. When he was in the Wilderness of Judah.” Commentators have two primary ideas as to when David wrote this psalm. Many believe that it was before he became king of Israel. Others believe it was when David was fleeing Absalom. Other commentators thing the psalm was written when King Saul was pursuing David. Charles Spurgeon said that the very early church father, John Chrysostom (kri-SOSS-tum), who lived from a.d. 347 to a.d. 407, “tells us that among the primitive Christians it was decreed and ordained that no day should pass without the public singing of this psalm.” Introduction to Psalms 64 The title of Psalm 64 is “For the choir director: A psalm of David.” David is pleading with God in the psalm. We have no information as to when the psalm was written. Introduction to Psalms 65 The title is “For the choir director. A Davidic psalm. A song.” It’s rare for a psalm to have both Psalm and Song in the title. Charles Spurgeon had this to say, “The Hebrew calls it a Shur and Mizmor, a combination of psalm and song, which may be best described by the term, ‘A Lyrical Poem.’ In this case the psalm may be said or sung, and be equally suitable.” This psalm does not tell us when or why it was written, but with its message of thanksgiving and praise and referencing flocks and grains, some think the psalm was written for a harvest festival. Thoughts on Psalm 63 Psalm 63 begins with a declaration of devotion. “God, you are my God; I eagerly seek you.” Scholars believe that this was written by David during the time that Absalom was pursuing him. This is a time when David had been betrayed by those he trusted, he feared for his life, and he felt all alone.  And yet, this is a beautiful psalm of devotion and praise.  God, you are MY God! I will have no other. God, YOU are my
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