Podcast artwork
The LAVA Flow | Libertarian | Anarcho-capitalist | Voluntaryist | Agorist
The LAVA Flow | Libertarian | Anarcho-capitalist | Voluntaryist | Agorist
The LAVA Flow | Libertarian | Anarcho-capitalist | Voluntaryist | Agorist

Episode Summary

Three stories on rights in America. Do you actually have any rights left? What's in the News with stories on flying cars in New Hampshire, civil forfeiture, Scottish secession, man's home blown up by cops, NYPD murdered of Garner suing for his job, and a kid thrown out in the cold, literally, by the Chicago school system. And, an Ask Me Anything segment with your questions on fictional planets, vacation destinations, alcoholic beverages, Star Wars theme parks, Resist the Empire Podcast, mainstream TV, League of Liberty, and am I a felon. This episode is brought to you by Health Excellence Plus, a health share that has saved my family thousands of dollars, and can save you money too. Also, brought to you by ForkFest, the annual decentralized libertarian camping event that happens around PorcFest, with no tickets and no one in charge. Also, brought to you by all of my dozens of supporters WHAT'S RUSTLING MY JIMMIES I have two stories in my queue talking about the erosion of rights in this country so I wanted to bring this topic to your attention. First, the Oregon Court of Appeals made a first-of-its-kind ruling in the state when it affirmed a lower court's decision that the forced disclosure of a defendant's phone passcode was not a violation of her Fifth Amendment rights. You know, that pesky thing that supposedly enshrines our right against self-incrimination. Unfit to Fucking Exist.
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