
Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

JFK Reagan hoax exposedfakeotube.com/video/6134/jfk-r… Fakenukes Channelwww.bitchute.com/channel/chsjp… davej – YouTubewww.youtube.com/@davej5982/vid… JFK Hoax, Nobody died nobody got hurt that dayfakeotube.com/video/135/jfk-ho… HOAXing of Dresden in World Hoax II – DaveJ – YouTubewww.youtube.com/watch?v=ETZyYT… Abraham Lincoln Clown Showwww.bitchute.com/video/chJqz4W… iFrame is not supported! Read the bitchute comments if you dare.www.bitchute.com/video/MPnhOit… $ $ $ $ $ Please donate! $ $ $ $ $No tags for this post.
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