Episode Summary

Climatewire's politics reporter Josh Kurtz talks about Democrats and environmentalists getting hopeful for a blue wave to hit Texas, and why Latino voters' interest in climate change won't be enough to flip the state yet. Greenwire regulations reporter Maxine Joselow highlights the best tidbits from her and Greenwire enterprise reporter Hannah Northey's interview with two authors of U.S. EPA's endangerment finding. And Climatewire editor Evan Lehmann and deputy editor Robin Bravender wrap up 2017 with some top climate change soundbites. "Despite Dem push, Texas to remain climate skeptic haven" (Climatewire, 12/19/2017), by Josh Kurtz: www.eenews.net/climatewire/2017/12/19/stories/1060069351 "Climate science debate 'on hold' after White House meeting" (Climatewire, 12/19/2017), by Robin Bravender: www.eenews.net/stories/1060069087
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