Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Should Japan be concerned about China’s patent for a undersea cable cutting device? Who stands to gain from Dark Factories? Can Japan’s AI startup hubs compete on the global stage?JAPANANA places mega-order of 77 new jetsJapan’s Civil Aviation College to Have Female Applicant Quota from 2027; Quota Hopes to Secure More Female Pilots in Domestic AirlinesSUPPLY CHAIN WARWill the Self-Defense Forces be introduced to a "shocking new weapon"? New images of drone swarms being "neutralized at once" have been releasedJapan, Philippines OK strategic talks between forces amid China riseChinese Navy penetrates deep into the Tasman SeaA towed submarine cable cutting device and its cable cutting methodChinese university applies for undersea cable cutter patent — device developed by coastal university located across the sea from TaiwanSOCIETY 5.0 AI chip giant Nvidia reports blockbuster revenueDark factories are spreading. Factories are becoming unmanned and people are no longer there.Dark FactoryToyota to build autonomous roads and underground passages in Woven CityEricsson completes smart transformation of its Nanjing factoryJapan's digital deficit hits record ¥6.5 tril as
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