Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Introducing Brown Duck Coffee - the ultimate blend for coffee enthusiasts seeking a truly remarkable experience. Crafted with care and precision, our beans are sourced from small fair-trade farms renowned for producing exceptional Arabica coffee. Every sip unveils a symphony of flavors, that truly make your morning sing! Our partner farms ensure fair trade practices and support eco-friendly harvesting methods. Prepare to transcend into a world of unparalleled indulgence with each luxurious cup of Brown Duck Coffee. Elevate your morning ritual and savor the pure essence of perfection. JOIN FOOD STORAGE FEAST FOR $2.99 PER MONTH Learn skills to turn basic foods into delicious meals all year long. The Food Storage Feast Membership pays for itself with a bounty of amazing meals, it’s the education you can eat! Food Storage Feast Endorsement: “Food Storage Feast is one of the most important recommendations I can make for your preparedness. Chef Keith has changed my entire perspective on how to really enjoy living off food storage.”   INTERESTED IN SPICE?-CLICK HERE -Joel Skoussen, Author Strategic Relocation, Publisher World Affairs Brief WHAT IS ON THE MENU: Detroit Style Pizza, freshly made dough, fermented overnight French onion soup Beef w Broccoli FOOD INDUSTRY AND HARVEST NEWS: Lab-Grown Meat Maker Good, Fails To Pay $30 Million Due For Bio Reactors TODAY’S MAIN TOPIC: AMERICA’S FOOD SUPPLY HAS LOST HALF ITS NUTRIENT DENSITY, LESS NUTRITIOUS FOOD IS THE SMOKING GUN OF OUR NATIONAL HEALTH DECLINE Over the past few decades, the state of our food supply in America has undergone significant changes that have led to a decrease in its overall nutritional value. The food industry has shifted towards large-scale production, favoring quantity over quality. As a consequence, our food is now often highly processed and filled with additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients. This mass production and processing have stripped away essential nutrients from our diet. Furthermore, the soil depletion caused by modern agricultural practices has led to a decline in the nutrient content of our fruits and vegetables. As a result, a significant portion of the population is now suffering from nutrient deficiencies. These deficiencies, including vitamin D, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, have been linked to various health issues such as weakened immune systems, increased risk of chronic diseases, and impaired neurological development in children. To reverse these bad health outcomes, it is crucial to prioritize sustainable farming practices, support local farmers, and promote a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods to ensure a healthier and more nutrient-dense food supply. Eating nutrient-dense foods can quickly help reduce poor health outcomes in all ages and starts with buying healthier foods. I suggest eating organic or regeneratively raised or grown foods. I suggest meeting local farmers who raise healthy crops and animals and buying direct, I also suggest limiting all processed foods, junk food, fast food, quick casual food, and sugar. Focus your diet around nutrient-dense meats, fats (butter, tallow, coconut oil) raw and natural dairy, fresh locally grown fruits, and simple sweeteners like maple syrup, maple sugar, NON-GMO cane sugar, and others. HOMESTEAD TSUNAMI: The cost of food in my area ( and all across the country and world) has been rising very fast, much faster and steeper than govt. inflation figures. This trend is fueling the desire for citizens that have decided to move to the country and raise food. Listen to episode #443 Listen to Episode # 455 The Great Political Realignment of America ECONOMIC NEWS: Furniture companies feeling the pinch as sales head downward. PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION: Takeya Water Bottles And Coffee Mugs CLOSING THOUGHTS: Find Healthier Food…don’t wait. RESOURCES FOR THIS EPISODE: Why Fruits Have Lost Their Vitamins
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