Episode Summary
Astrology goes all the way back to the 3rd millennium BCE. This means your sign is actually not what you probably think. What does psychology say about
why people are drawn to astrology? Also let’s dig into a study out of Sweden set to gauge astrology believers on a narcissistic scale and gauge IQ - the results
might shock you. Follow us on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Threads @GreetingsTAC, email us at GreetingsTAC@gmail.co... Show More
why people are drawn to astrology? Also let’s dig into a study out of Sweden set to gauge astrology believers on a narcissistic scale and gauge IQ - the results
might shock you. Follow us on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Threads @GreetingsTAC, email us at GreetingsTAC@gmail.co... Show More