This Machine KillsTechnology

Episode Summary

{Producer’s note: this episode has an electronic buzz in parts due to a dying microphone. I cleaned it up as much as possible, but it couldn’t be totally removed. So it goes!} We go deep on the recent federal antitrust case against Google, which ruled that the company is a monopoly (obviously). We get into the details of the case, before spinning off to talk more broadly about market domination and disaster capitalism, then get back to the potential remedies for addressing Google’s power over search and the implications for techno-economic regulation. ••• Disaster Capitalism Revisited ••• Will Google’s Monopoly Be Vanquished? ••• Google as monopolist ••• Monopoly Money Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (
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