Episode Summary

It's time to tap into our inner selves! Co-host, Myra Herring, guides an incredibly insightful discussion with Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Kameron Sheats, affectionally called "Dr. Kam" throughout this interview. Not only does Dr. Kam relay the importance of introspective work, but she also shares many nuggets of wisdom related to understanding ourselves more fully, including our temperament and how colorism can impact mental health. She even shares her experience as a Fulbright Scholar as well as her work curating multicultural books, driven by her desire for her daughters to feel represented in what they read, all while spreading as much joy as possible. You'll leave this conversation feeling all the feels of joy, self-reflection and the unstoppable urge for true healing. Find more information and show notes at https://beyondthebusinesssuit.com/
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