Episode Summary

Show: 4Show Description: Brian and Tyler discuss the broad range of tools that are available to deploy, operate and manage Kubernetes environments. There are lots of options...Show Notes:PodCTL #4 - TranscribedKubernetes: A Little Guide to Install OptionsMonitoring OpenShift: Three Tools for SimplificationRolling Updates to Kubernetes - At MacQuarie Bank [video]Segment 1 - [News of the Week]VMware, Google and Pivotal announced a packaged version of the Kubo project, called Pivotal Container Service (PKS). CNCF continues to be the center of Enterprise IT with VMware, Pivotal joiningSegment 2 - Why do Open Source Projects often end up with so many installers? Segment 3 - What are some of the common types of tools for kubernetes installations?Install on your laptop (e.g. Minikube, Minishift, etc.)  Public Services (OpenShift Online, GKE, Azure Container Service, etc)Quickstart installer on a public cloud (e.g. Heptio, DO, kops, etc.)Kubernetes-specific installers (kubeadm, kubicorn, kargo, etc.)  Deployment scripts and variations on “runbooks” (e.g. Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc.)Segment 4 - What are some of the Day 2 tools that are used with Kubernetes?Upgrade tools (e.g. 1-click, Operators, etc.) Monitoring & Management (e.g. Prometheus, Datadog, New Relic, Zabbix, SysDig, CoScale) - https://blog.openshift.com/monitoring-openshift-three-tools/ Logging  (e.g. EFK, Loggly, etc.) Application Frameworks - Save that for future shows!Feedback?Email: PodCTL at gmail dot comTwitter: @PodCTLWeb: http://podctl.com
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