Episode Summary

Climatewire beat reporters Niina Heikkinen and Brittany Patterson describe what it's like to cover (or, often, chase after for a quote) U.S. EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, respectively. They compare the Trump administration's proposed budget cuts for climate programs in EPA and Interior. And a round of trivia reveals nicknames, catchphrases and fun ties. "Zinke touts science as Trump pushes cuts to research shop" (Climatewire, 02/13/2018), by Brittany Patterson: www.eenews.net/climatewire/2018/02/13/stories/1060073663 "White House preserves Energy Star by charging fees" (Climatewire, 02/13/2018), by Niina Heikkinen: www.eenews.net/climatewire/2018/02/13/stories/1060073667 "Trump seeks big cuts to science across agencies" (Climatewire, 02/13/2018), by Scott Waldman: www.eenews.net/stories/1060073703
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