Juliet Rees-NilssonLeisure, Arts

Episode Summary

Saint has spent much of his career as a successful New York based photographers of iconic actors, musicians, athletes and fashion. The iconic images shot by Saint are a testament to his skill and understanding of the human form and this career has led to a constant revaluation and development of his photographic practices reimagining the role of lighting in photography by adapting techniques from scientific applications of flash and stroboscopics.During his extensive career Saint has photographed actors and musicians such as Cate Blanchett, Helen Mirren, Daniel Craig, Alesia Keys and Lady Gaga and athletes who are top of their game including Lebron James, Christiana Ronaldo and Serena Williams. In 2018 there was a further shift in experimental techniques in photography which merged into an artistic practice using his photographic images as the basis of figurative, mixed media composite portraits and it is this which now dominates his creative focus. This podcast gives an insight into Saint's development as an artist and painter and he discusses his the process and intention behind his most current body of work A Legacy of Light.Saint will be exhibiting his new series at a gallery exhibition in New York this October and you can follow him on Instagram for all the latest news.
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