Ann Barnhardt

Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

In this episode we discuss how popular talking about Latin is (is EVERYONE thinking about the Roman Empire now?) as well as the importance of memes, both as popular messaging but also allowing for a risible release from the liberal insanity-induced pressure of our current age. We also analyzed the hit job (or is it?) being done to Russell Brand and debate whether it’s worse to announce your intentions to divorce via text message (Brand) or FedEx (Wal-Mart Wallis, the Suchess of Dussex). Finally we discussed the curious situation of Bishop Strickland possibly facing an order to resign from someone who cosplays as Pope and is barely able to order lunch much less the resignation of a bishop. These are crazy times indeed, crazy enough that a Jesuit going trans in order to become the first “woman priest” wouldn’t even raise too many eyebrows. Pray for the Church and your fellow Catholics: the time is short and it’s about to get a whole lot more kinetic!   Links, Reading, and Video: Ann’s article on the Jesuit Fr. Robert Ballecer Proverbs 31 (with the Haydock commentary) Holy Roman Emperor: Imperial Election Fr. Z. on the Bp. Strickland situation (part 1) Fr. Z. on the Bp. Strickland situation (part 2)   Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373‬. (Alternate email addresses are and if you are looking for something more secure.) Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value, you can use a credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, or Cash App with this link or you can mail a donation to the address listed at
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