Episode Summary
Dan Keatis returns to breathe new life into the podcast for 2025! With a stirring defence of #KennethBranagh’s operatic take on #MaryShelleysFrankenstein Will he bring the light to the unappreciative masses like a Modern Prometheus? Or will his heart be torn from his chest after hearing the listener comments? Join us as we discuss A.I. Tech Moguls, ballsack machines & New Labour: The Movie! #PrepareForPrattle Read the Frank Darabont script accompanied by Bernie Wrightson illustrations https://archive.org › details › frankenstein-darabontPurchase Vol. 1 of Comics Lithttps://www.amazon.co.uk/Comics-Lit-Vol-Tonya-Todd/dp/B0D19P51R2 Check out Hack The Movies review of FrankensteinMary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994) is Over The Top! - Hack ...Check out my reviews for my Mary Shelley triple bill… Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores's profileRead the interviews I referenced in the podcast…https://www.branaghcompendium.com/artic-gns2-94.htm https://www.branaghcompendium.com/artic-us94.htm https://www.branaghcompendium.com/artic-den94.htm https://www.branaghcompendium.com/artic-f94.htmhttps://www.branaghcompendium.com/artic-irisht94.htmWhere to find the Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores Podcast…Follow this link to find your preferred podcast catcher of choice pod.link/danboresFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/secretboresThreads:https://www.threads.net/@spiderdansecretboresTiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dan_boresInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/spiderdansecretbores/?hl=enDiscord: https://discord.com/invite/CeVrdqdpjkIMDB: