A Hundred Words

Episode Summary

Let's talk about....pushy spirits. How and why do spirits get pushy? After digging into the weekly mailbag, Iris and Brian talk about the signs we get from "pushy" spirits, and how can we follow these signs to overcome our daily routines, and find a higher path with guidance. The Mantra we used in this episode: "Accept, Trust, Allow, Adjust." Our Facebook Livestream of this episode is here: https://fb.watch/du7w0c6Sh4/ We mentioned this "ego rage" incident at Starbucks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4uBXZmyGN4 Like and Subscribe at: http://www.facebook.com/AHundredWords Visit us, and subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page at: http://www.ahundredwords.com Disclaimer: Everything we talk about today and forevermore, is no substitute for medical attention. If you are sick, seek the help of a qualified medical professional.
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