Episode Summary

Scott Baradell (@dallasinbound) is president of Idea Grove, oversees one of the fastest-growing inbound marketing agencies. Idea Grove focuses on helping technology companies reach media and buyers; and its clients range from venture-backed startups to Fortune 200 companies. Scott launched Idea Grove in 2005 along with his groundbreaking blog, Media Orchard. He has been a consistent innovator in the public relations and marketing space. Scott was among the first to understand the role of blogging in audience building. He was quick to recognize the vital importance of content quality and the power of social sharing. “Leadership comes down to inspiring people to want to be part of what you're doing. And that comes down to having a story that you're telling too. They want to be part of that narrative of what you're trying to do and why.” -Scott Baradell “Because my parents had views about race and other things that, to me, flew in the face of what felt right to me. And I think it probably led to me being a more of questioning person, which is I think what leads people into journalism a lot of times, questioning the conventional wisdom about things. So a lot of me focusing on southern history, was trying to understand what was making these people tick. Why were they making decisions that hurt other people..” -Scott Baradell “I think today increasingly you have to have powers of persuasion to be successful.” -Scott Baradell (On giving critical feedback to others) “Well, I think you can be honest without being hurtful. And I think what it really comes down to, preparation. Mental preparation about how you're gonna deliver the message in such a way that shows that you're trying to be protective of their feelings.” -Scott Baradell The Cheat Sheet: Learn why questioning and being inquisitive is a game changer in business How to give out critical feedback in business What makes a great leader (and why) Learn why almost everyone pivots in their career Learn how as introvert you can best manage your energy and get your alone time How to be an advocate for yourself and why it’s essential for your success Why storytelling is a huge corporate advantage you may not be leveraging And so much more…
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