Eric NantzScience

Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Putting those bike pedals to work with a comprehensive exploratory data analysis, navigating through a near-inferno of namespace and dependency issues in package development, and how you can ensure bragging rights during your next play of Guess My Name using decision trees. Episode Links This week's curator: Tony Elhabr - @TonyElHabr (Twitter) & (Mastodon) My Year of Riding Danishly Tame your namespace with a dash of suggests Guess My Name with Decision Trees Entire issue available at Supplement Resources {fusen} - Inflate your package from a simple flat Rmd R Packages Second Edition {usethis} - Automate package and project setup Supporting the show Use the contact page at to send us your feedback R-Weekly Highlights on the - You can send a boost into the show directly in the Podcast Index. First, top-up with Alby, and then head over to the R-Weekly Highlights podcast entry on the index. A new way to think about value: Get in touch with us on social media Eric Nantz: @theRcast (Twitter) and (Mastodon) Mike Thomas: @mike_ketchbrook (Twitter) and (Mastodon) Music credits powered by OCRemix Swing Indigo - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - sschafi1 - What Lurks Behind the Door - Final Fantasy V - Lucas Guimaraes, Andrew Steffen -
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