Value for Value ⚡️

Episode Summary

Podcast Introduction Today we’re going to read 1 Corinthians 9-10.  I’m calling the episode “This Way Out.” Comments on 1 Corinthians 9-10 In chapter nine, the apostle Paul wrote that those who preach the Gospel should get their living from it. In other words, those who are ministered to should support the one who ministers to them. He spent nearly the entire chapter on this point, making it in different ways, because some in the church in Corinth were unwilling to support him. Paul did not insist on claiming the right to be supported by them, but he gave them several reasons that he could. After all, as he wrote in verse 14, “…, the *Lord* has ordered that those who preach the gospel should get their living from it.” What do you think about that? Does it make sense? Does it seem right? What are you going to do about it? Chapter Ten We humans have an astonishing capability for rationalization. You know what rationalization is, right? I like the definition at To justify an immoral act, or illogical behavior. “The process of thought by which one justifies a discreditable act, and by which one offers to oneself and the world a better motive for one’s action than the true motive”. It’s a skill that we come by naturally, too. We don’t need to be taught to do it. After a sandwich and a cookie, Johnny’s mom tells the three year old, “Don’t eat that other cookie. I’m going to give it to Daddy when he comes home.” Then there’s a knock at the door, so Johnny’s mom leaves the kitchen to see who it is. While she’s gone, Johnny does indeed eat the cookie. And Mom comes back just in time to see Johnny finish the last bite. “I told you not to eat the cookie.” Three year old Johnny says, “But I was hungry.”  Johnny wasn’t hungry. He just had a sandwich and a cookie. He just *wanted* the second cookie. So his three year old mentality rationalized to his mom that he was hungry. Beloved, we do that too, don’t we? It’s okay to have an affair because my spouse doesn’t appreciate me…Doesn’t understand me… Doesn’t give me enough attention.  It’s okay to steal this because the store owner has insurance.  It’s okay to look at this website, no one will know.  It’s okay to have someone else clock me in at work…I can be late because they don’t pay me enough anyway. How could it be wrong if it feels so right? And so it goes.  And then there’s the “I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn’t help myself. I just HAD to…” Of course, every rationalization is nothing but an excuse to sin. You know it. I know it. God knows it.  13No temptation has seized you that isn’t common for people. But God is faithful. He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond your abilities. Instead, with the temptation, God will also supply a way out so that you will be able to endure it. Your situation is not unique. You might tell yourself it is, but as the writer of Ecclesiastes said in chapter 1, verse 9, “There is nothing new under the sun.”  God knows that we, in ourselves, are weak. And He will not allow temptation into our lives that will be too much to bear. We have that promise. So the excuse that we just *had* to give in to temptation doesn’t hold water.  He always gives us
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